Tuesday, 20 March 2012


1.What is a PLN?
- A PLN is simply your entire collection of people who you exchange information with. Anyone you interact with is a part of your PLN. Ex- Twitter, Facebook and Myspace.

2.What are three elements of a good PLN?
- A constantly updated PLN with appropriate information.
- Having a high level of activity from people within your network, adding their input and teaching you about the specific topic.
- Having an organized and easily readable PLN is very key to keep people coming back to your PLN.

3. In my chosen post secondary field of study (Sport Management), this may give me an edge on my fellow classmates because it will allow me to research more effectively.It will let me translate that research into reliable information that I can put to use in my field of study. The larger my PLN is, the more input I can gather from the people within my network and it will give me a wider range of knowledge.

4. I believe that potential employers would be impressed with an online portfolio because of the vast amount of information that could be displayed on the online portfolio compared to handing in a stack of papers to this potential employer. It would be easier to read and comprehend whereas the on paper portfolio could become confusing and too much for the person to handle. I also believe that the employer would be more likely to remember you and give you the upper edge in competing for that specific job position.

5. In my opinion, my online footprint is semi - "employer friendly". It is a very honest footprint of myself. I am on Facebook and Twitter, and do not tend to make too much of an effort to hide things about myself. This is not because I do not personally care, but it is because I am comfortable with what I have done on my social networking websites. To improve it for my future, I can become more aware that what is put on there will always be there and it is there for everyone to see. I think that i can improve it by making more of a conscious effort to think of myself as an adult in the working world compared to a high school student.

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